This blog to give me a place to vent about cataloging issues I encounter every day.
Although I use Destiny Library Manager from Follett Software Company and have access to their Alliance Plus records I never accept catalog records from elsewhere without editing to make them suitable for my own catalog.
I love cataloging for a lot of reasons:
  • My mind runs to organizing stuff
  • I love learning about new things and trying to figure out how to make information resources accessible to my students and teachers
  • I'm a bit obsessive about making sure subject headings, keywords, classification numbers, etc. are consistent.
Follow this blog to learn how I catalog my collection, my pet peeves with subject and classification schemes, maybe a little about RDA, the new cataloging rules which are set to replace the old Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, and whatever else I'm inspired by.

Friday, July 13, 2012

I am such a cataloging nerd that I am checking the cross references in the catalog to make sure that all of the genre/form headings from LC are in the authorities database. Actually, I think this will help patrons when they are looking for materials of a certain type. The headings I've checked and added as necessary so far are types of: Cartographic materials such as Globes and Relief maps, and for Law materials such as Statutes and codes and Law for laypersons. There approximately fifty individual types of law materials and about a dozen cartographic materials headings.
The next group I will tackle is a big one--Motion pictures. I have many of those, e.g. Science fiction films and Comedy films, already in the authority file, but will be double checking to make sure all legitimate references are in the file. There are approximately one-hundred different film genres listed in the LC Authorities database.

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