This blog to give me a place to vent about cataloging issues I encounter every day.
Although I use Destiny Library Manager from Follett Software Company and have access to their Alliance Plus records I never accept catalog records from elsewhere without editing to make them suitable for my own catalog.
I love cataloging for a lot of reasons:
  • My mind runs to organizing stuff
  • I love learning about new things and trying to figure out how to make information resources accessible to my students and teachers
  • I'm a bit obsessive about making sure subject headings, keywords, classification numbers, etc. are consistent.
Follow this blog to learn how I catalog my collection, my pet peeves with subject and classification schemes, maybe a little about RDA, the new cataloging rules which are set to replace the old Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, and whatever else I'm inspired by.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Heading updates

PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC - DECEMBER 18:  A portr...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeJust updated headings for Kim, Chŏng-il, 1942-2011; Heller, Joseph (previously Heller, Joseph, 1923-). Checked Havel, Vaclav and Hitchens Christopher. No dates according to Library of Congress Subject Headings.
Cross-reffed Kim, Chŏng-il, 1942-2011 from Kim, Jong-il, 1942-2011.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011


I'm starting this blog to give me a place to vent about cataloging issues I encounter every day.
I am a school librarian at a high school in California.
Although I use Destiny Library Manager from Follett Software Company and have access to their Alliance Plus records I never accept catalog records from elsewhere without editing to make them suitable for my own catalog.
I love cataloging for a lot of reasons:

  • My mind runs to organizing stuff
  • I love learning about new things and trying to figure out how to make information resources accessible to my students and teachers
  • I'm a bit obsessive about making sure subject headings, keywords, classification numbers, etc. are consistent. 
Follow this blog to learn how I catalog my collection, my pet peeves with subject and classification schemes, maybe a little about RDA, the new cataloging rules which are set to replace the old Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, and whatever else I'm inspired by.
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